This afternoon we had one of the worst storms we've had in a very long time- it only lasted about 1/2 hour or so, but boy did it do some damage- we have several BIG maple trees in our front yard and the winds took down another big branch from the tree-- this time, it was covering the road, so I called 911 to have them dispatch people to come get it out of the road as I certainly wasn't able to do it. The first big branch of the tree went down during the winter when we had a bad storm- so, we've made the decision that the rest of the tree should come down - if it were to fall, then it is risking falling on the neighbors cars or the house across the road and I'd hate to have either happen. We will have to plant another in it's place.
Below are some of the photos of the storm today- we had high winds, down pouring rain, HAIL- so much that the ground looked white- it was a crazy 1/2 hour or so-
now, it's sunny and nice out- you'd never know a thing happened- but, I'm told we are in for another shot of the storm yet tonight.
WOW you did get huge hail! I can't believe we didn't get the hail ourselves (however glad we didn't).